What Are Your Personal Core Values?

Use this checklist to find out

When you are exploring your personal core values, it is not always easy to pin them down.

  • Where do you begin?
  • How do you identify them?

You may be the kind of person who goes blank when you are put on the spot with a tricky question!

If that is the case, don’t worry, help is at hand. Why not try this a simple checklist to get you thinking?

Using the Checklist

What I have created below is an inventory of core values that you can just read through and see which values ring true for you.

Print the list out and then just use ticks and crosses to mark off values that are important or not important to you. Or if you prefer, use a rating to help you work out which are more important.

It can be interesting to highlight the values that feel really ‘wrong’ for you. This can help you understand why certain situations feel uncomfortable and draining for you.

Your work and career can often be a typical example of a situation where your values are not being honoured. Maybe this is why you are thinking of a career change?

Personal Core Values Checklist

Remember that no list can ever be complete. There may be some additional personal values that are unique to you, so don’t be limited by what you find below. Just add anything else that feels right for you.

Acceptance Fast pace Power
Achievement Financial rewards Privacy
Adventure Focus Productivity
Altruism Freedom Promotion prospects
Ambition Friendship Reaching potential
Appreciation Fun Recognition
Authenticity Happiness Respect
Authority Harmony Responsibility
Autonomy Health Results
Balance Helping others Risk taking
Beauty Honesty Romance
Belonging Humour Routine
Challenge Imagination Security
Choice Independence Self expression
Collaboration Influence Service
Commitment Intellect Sharing
Community Intuition Solitude
Compassion Justice Spirituality
Competition Kindness Status
Connection Leadership Success
Contribution Learning Teaching
Creativity Love Team work
Equality Loyalty Tolerance
Excellence Making a difference Tradition
Excitement Nature Travel
Expertise Nurturing Trust
Fairness Order Variety
Faith Passion Winning
Fame Peace Wisdom
Family Personal growth Zest for life

I hope this checklist of personal core values will give you some food for thought and help you on the road to finding the career change idea that will be right for you.

Now go back to the core values exercises to review what these values mean for you.

Remember to keep a note of the core work and life values you identify in your Career Change Project File.

Why not continue exploring what makes you tick to help you with your Career Change Project? You can look at…

Your Skills

Your Interests

Your Personality

Your Achievements

About the author

Amy Thomas

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