Finding work-life balance

by Spiwe
(South Africa)

How do I find a career that I enjoy and also include work balance life at the age of 37 years?

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Finding work-life balance

by: Cherry

There are a number of questions hidden in this one ? finding work you enjoy, finding work/life balance and career change at 37.

Finding work you enjoy requires you to identify what it is that you love doing first, so think about the occasions – at work and outside of work – when you have been so absorbed that you didn’t notice time passing. What were you doing? Or maybe look at the aspects of your job when you have felt really proud of what you have achieved. This may not be a Big Achievement in the eyes of the world, but it should be something you personally felt proud of.

Finding work/life balance again means you have to define what that means for you. I guess it means you feel work and life are out of balance at the moment, so what would ‘in balance’ look like? And remember that this question implies that work and life occupy separate compartments. Does this have to be so? For people who love the work they do, there is not clear cut divide and being at work is where a lot of the fun times in their life happen.

Career change at 37? Are you saying you feel too old to change? Where does that idea come from? If you didn’t know how old you are ? and nobody else did either ? then what would be possible for you?

There are many people who change career at a later age than 37 and many whose whole working life is a process of constant change. You have gained a lot of valuable experience by now, so use this as a positive sales strategy. You might also like to take a look at my article on Midlife Career Change ( some more ideas.

About the author

Amy Thomas

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